What Is Health Technology Assessment?

The systematic use of evidence to inform healthcare decisions for new health technologies (eg, therapeutic interventions, diagnostics, prevention) is now well established globally. At its center, the multidisciplinary activity of health technology assessment (HTA) has gained increased recognition [1]. HTA has become a standard policy tool for informing decision makers who must manage the entry and use of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and other technologies (including complex interventions) within health systems, eg, through reimbursement and pricing. 




Health Technology Assessment "HEOR by Topic"

Visit ISPOR's Health Technology Assessment "HEOR by Topic" webpage. This webpage features the most recent content related to HTA from the Society's publications and events.

HTA "HEOR by Topic" Page



Visit Health Technology Assessment Central

ISPOR's Health Technology Assessment Central is a comprehensive repository of resources and tools to support health technology assessment (HTA) that helps bridge the gap between HEOR and other disciplines that inform HTA and healthcare decisions.



[1] Banta D. What is technology assessment? International journal of technology assessment in health care. 2009;25:7–9.

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