
To identify new trends and methodological challenges in oncology health economics and outcomes research with the intent of supporting education, awareness, and community engagement while working towards the development of recommendations to address them. 


Oncology is one of the most rapidly evolving therapeutic areas with considerable clinical and economic burden. Health economics and outcomes research in oncology is complicated by (1) the diversity of the epidemiology and biology of various tumors, which limits the sample size and long-term follow-up in clinical trials, (2) the rapidly evolving treatment landscapes and variation in national management recommendations, and (3) the complexities of measuring costs and quality of life in patients and caregivers. Therefore, oncology health economics and outcomes research constitutes a unique segment, and our SIG aims to advance clinical and methodological knowledge for proper clinical and economic evaluation of oncology treatments and diagnostic tools.  


Engage the oncology community to raise awareness of key components in oncology HEOR and recommended practices.

Offer relevant and impactful educational presentations and activities on the latest oncology HEOR topics.

Create a space to support the discussion of methods of statistical analysis and economic evaluation in oncology, and approaches to support timely access of innovative oncology treatments and diagnostic tools.



Min-Hua Jen, PhD

Sr. Director, Eli Lilly
Uxbridge, LON, United Kingdom

Past Chair

Haitham Tuffaha, MSc, MBA, RPh, PhD, BSc

Health Technology Assessment Leader, University of Queensland, Centre for the Business and Economics of Health
Brisbane, QLD, Australia


Brittany Carson, PhD, MHEcon, BSc

Senior Medical Director, ApotheCom
New York, NY, United States

Working Groups

Member Engagement


Abeer Al Rabayah, MSc, MBA, BSc

Head, Center for Drug Policy & Technology Assessment, King Hussein Cancer Center
Amman, Jordan

Dem Aliaj, MSc

Health Economist & Equity, University of Lucerne
LU, LU, Switzerland

Swarnali Goswami

Chalfont, PA, United States

Marco Gross-Langenhoff

Associate Director HEOR, Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd
Unterhaching, BY, Germany

Sabina Nduaguba, MSc

Assistant Professor, West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV, United States

Shilpi Swami, MA

London, LON, United Kingdom

Sorrel Wolowacz, PhD

Head, EU Health Economics, RTI Health Solutions
Manchester, United Kingdom

Lixia Yao, PhD

Associate Professor, Temple University
Chalfont, PA, United States

Questions or ideas? Please send an email to Oncologysig@ISPOR.org

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