Potential Healthcare Resource Use and Associated Costs of Every 2-Months Injectable Cabotegravir+Rilpivirine Long-Acting Implementation in the Spanish NHS vs Daily Oral HIV Treatments
Vallejo-Aparicio LA1, Neches V1, Hernández Novoa B2, Casado G3, Jodar F3, Pinel M3, Callejo-Velasco D3
1GSK, Tres Cantos, Spain, 2ViiV Healthcare, Tres Cantos, Spain, 3IQVIA, Madrid, Spain
Presentation Documents
OBJECTIVES: HIV treatment currently consists of daily oral antiretroviral therapy (ART). Cabotegravir+rilpivirine long-acting (CAB+RPV LA) will be the first ART administered every 2-months through intramuscular injection by a healthcare professional (HCP) available in Spain. The objective of this analysis was to assess the potential healthcare resource use (HRU) and cost impact of implementing CAB+RPV LA vs. daily oral ART with regards to patient pathways at National Health System (NHS) hospitals.
METHODS: An online quantitative interview (CAWI, Computer Assisted Web Interviewing) and costing analysis were performed. The main HCP specialties involved in HIV management at hospital level, including infectious disease specialists (IDS), hospital pharmacy (HP) and nurse, were asked about their perceptions of the potential differences in annual per patient HRU (number of visits by specialty) between patient pathways of CAB+RPV LA vs. daily oral ART. Spanish official tariffs for each resource unit were applied to the HRU-estimates (€, 2022).
RESULTS: 120 HCPs responded (n=40 IDS; n=40 HP; n=40 nurse), with 55% having more than 20 years of experience and on average 194 HIV patient attendances per month. The estimated maximum average per patient annual visits by specialty (IDS, HP, and nurse, respectively), answered by the total HCPs sample were 3.3 vs. 3.7; 4.4 vs. 6.2; 6.1 vs. 3.9 for CAB+RPV LA vs. daily oral ART. When considering the results as reported by corresponding specialist, they were 3.0 vs. 3.2; 4.8 vs. 5.8; 6.9 vs. 4.9. Total sample estimation led to a total annual cost of €2,104 vs. €2,516 and after adjustment by corresponding specialist of €2,060 vs. €2,279, for CAB LA+RPV LA vs. daily oral ART.
CONCLUSIONS: Spanish HCPs anticipated that implementation of CAB+RPV LA in NHS hospitals would not incur in increased HRU-related costs associated to a different patient pathway compared to current daily oral ART, being potentially neutral or even cost-saving.
Conference/Value in Health Info
Value in Health, Volume 25, Issue 12S (December 2022)
Economic Evaluation, Study Approaches
Topic Subcategory
Surveys & Expert Panels
No Additional Disease & Conditions/Specialized Treatment Areas