A Review of Oncology Submissions to NICE to See How Often Disease-Specific Quality of Life Data Have Been Accepted


Selvey-Davies N1, Dickinson O2, Treharne C3
1Mtech Access, Altrincham, UK, 2Mtech Access, Bicester, UK, 3Mtech Access, London, UK

Presentation Documents

OBJECTIVES: The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) makes recommendations at a national level for oncology drugs in England. NICE provides a reference case example of how generic utility values are recommended for inclusion within a submission, including a preference for the EuroQol-5-dimension (EQ-5D) quality of life (QoL) measure. This research aims to explore how alternative, disease-specific, QoL measures have been received by external assessment groups (EAGs) in recent oncology submissions to NICE.

METHODS: All publicly available NICE oncology technology appraisals published in the previous year (1st April 2021–31st March 2022) were reviewed. The appraisal outcomes, source of QoL data, and the EAG critique of economic evidence were extracted.

RESULTS: 50 NICE oncology technical appraisals were identified, 14 of which were terminated, resulting in 36 appraisals requiring extraction. Generic QoL measures were used in 29/36 submissions; disease-specific QoL measures were used in 6/36 submissions; and one submission used a mixture of both (generic QoL measures for progression-free survival and disease-specific measures for progressed disease health states, respectively). Disease-specific QoL measures were ultimately converted to EQ-5D-3L utility scores using appropriate mapping algorithms, as stipulated in the NICE guidance. 5/7 appraisals using disease-specific QoL measures were ultimately recommended (4/5 recommended as part of the Cancer Drugs Fund) by NICE. The remaining 2/7 appraisals received an optimised recommendation (recommended for a smaller group of patients than the original scope of the appraisal).

CONCLUSIONS: The use of disease-specific QoL measures has been accepted in oncology appraisals when an appropriate mapping algorithm is used to convert to EQ-5D utility scores. The use of disease-specific QoL measures is an option for manufacturers in cases where EQ-5D data have not been collected as part of the clinical trial, subject to the availability of an accepted mapping algorithm.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2022-11, ISPOR Europe 2022, Vienna, Austria

Value in Health, Volume 25, Issue 12S (December 2022)




Economic Evaluation, Health Technology Assessment, Patient-Centered Research

Topic Subcategory

Cost-comparison, Effectiveness, Utility, Benefit Analysis, Decision & Deliberative Processes, Health State Utilities, Patient-reported Outcomes & Quality of Life Outcomes


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