How Should the EU Pull Their Weight? Designing and Implementing an Effective Delinked Pull Incentive for Antibiotics in the EU


Moderator: Adrian Towse, MA, MPhil, Office of Health Economics, London, UK
Panelists: Christine Årdal, MBA, PhD, Norway Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway; James Anderson, MSc MBA, IFPMA, Maidenhead, UK; Kevin Outterson, LLM, University of Boston, Boston, MA, USA

ISSUE: In the last decade the scientific community, health economists, policymakers and industry have come together to propose a ‘delinked’ pull incentive as the most appropriate tool to stimulate an antibiotic pipeline sufficient to fight the threat of Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR). The UK has assumed global leadership with a pilot implementation of a delinked subscription model published in March 2022. Using a subscription model the UK will purchase the two evaluated antibiotics through a subscription model that reflects the UK’s ‘fair share’ of the minimum global incentive needed to stimulate development of one antibiotic. For a global pull incentive to work, other key contributors to global R&D funding need to do their part, or else the UK’s effort may be wasted. The US, a crucial actor, has already made important progress with the PASTEUR act. This panel will discuss what steps the EU, on the heels of the UK and likely the US, should take to play its vital role in solving the AMR crisis. What is the most appropriate mechanism for an EU pull incentive? Which member states should be in- or excluded from payment? How much should each member state pay? How could the EU streamline value assessment methods?

OVERVIEW: This panel will discuss the role of the EU in contributing to a global delinked pull incentive for AMR, approaches for its design, and implementation. The moderator will briefly introduce the issue (5 mins). Panellists will each speak for 12 minutes, providing their perspectives on the key areas for learning from the AMR pilot and closing their presentation with a summary of 2-3 take-aways on a delinked pull incentive from their singular perspective. 20 minutes will be reserved for audience discussion. The moderator will enable the discussion by facilitating participation or discussion through interactive polling and questions.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2022-11, ISPOR Europe 2022, Vienna, Austria



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