Value in Health Regional Issues Expands Editorial Scope and Reveals Plans to Transition to Gold Open Access Model

Published Jan 23, 2024

Lawrenceville, NJ, USA—January 23, 2024—Value in Health Regional Issues, an official journal of ISPOR—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research, announced today the expansion of its editorial scope and its plan to transition to a gold open access journal.

In June of 2023, Value in Health Regional Issues received its first-ever impact factor score of 2.0—an indication of the journal’s continued growth and impact in the field. Expanding the editorial scope to include submissions from North America and Western Europe is another step in the journal’s development and reflects the increased global impact of health economics and outcomes research (HEOR). While the journal’s geographic footprint is expanding, the research published in Value in Health Regional Issues will continue to focus on the health outcomes and health policies of regional populations.

In an editorial by the Editor-in-Chief that appeared in the January 2024 issue of Value in Health Regional Issues, Manuel A. Espinoza, MD, PhD, MSc writes, “We are fully dedicated to serving the international HEOR community and providing a platform to publish research from jurisdictions where capacities in HEOR are still being developed. Notwithstanding, we believe we can align those goals by encouraging collaborators to develop research that examines populations and health policies in specific geographic regions, while providing context for a larger international audience. This means that contributions must be relevant to the global community of HEOR professionals, decision makers, and policy makers who are interested in reading local experiences that can be transferred, adapted, or applied in other countries.”

An additional step in the journal’s development will be to transition Value in Health Regional Issues to a gold open access journal in 2025. The decision to transition to a gold open access journal aligns with ISPOR’s mission and strategic vision by generating the research and evidence to help inform healthcare decisions and improve health for all. During the transition year, 100% of the article processing charges (APCs)—the fees typically assessed to publish in gold open access journals—will be waived for all authors of accepted papers. In subsequent years, a combination of public-private partnerships, transformative agreements, and generous fee waivers and discounts will provide options for financial assistance to support publication in Value in Health Regional Issues.

These changes are recent examples of the continuous quality improvement efforts ISPOR and the journal editors have implemented for Value in Health Regional Issues. The expansion of editorial scope and the transition to a gold open access model will continue to advance the science and impact of HEOR by making this important research freely available to readers around the world.


—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR), is an international, multistakeholder, nonprofit dedicated to advancing HEOR excellence to improve decision making for health globally. The Society is the leading source for scientific conferences, peer-reviewed and MEDLINE®-indexed publications, good practices guidance, education, collaboration, and tools/resources in the field.
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Value in Health Regional Issues
(ISSN 2212-1099) publishes articles that explore health economics and outcomes research in specific populations around the world. Value in Health Regional Issues is indexed in PubMed/MEDLINE®, the Web of Science, and many other top scientific databases. The journal’s 2022 impact factor score is 2.0.
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