Estándares Consolidados de Reporte de Evaluaciones Económicas Sanitarias: adaptación al español de la lista de comprobación CHEERS 2022 [Editor's Choice]



Health economic evaluations (HEEs) are comparative analyses of courses of action in terms of both costs and consequences. The Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS) original version and its adaptation to Spanish were published in 2013. Its objectives were to promote that the HEEs are identifiable, interpretable, and useful for decision making and serve as a reporting guide. The new CHEERS 2022 replaces the previous one and tries to be more easily applied to any HEE and incorporates recent methodological advances and the importance of stakeholder involvement including patients and the general public.


For the present adaptation, the following stages were followed: (1) independent translations of the original list into Spanish, (2) blind back-translations, (3) evaluation of their quality, (4) preparation of a new version in Spanish, (5) review and improvement by the author team, (6) preparation of a new version in Spanish, (7) distribution of the preliminary Spanish version and the original one to the American HTA Network (Red de las Américas de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias) and Spanish-speaking experts for evaluation and feedback, (8) monitoring of changes to the original list under peer review at B ritish M edical J ournal, and (9) consolidation of the final adaptation of the Spanish CHEERS 2022 checklist.


In this article, we detail the process and the Spanish adaptation of the 28-item CHEERS 2022 checklist and its recommendations.


This list is intended for researchers reporting HEE in peer-reviewed journals and reviewers, editors, and, among others, health technology assessment bodies.


Federico Augustovski Sebastián García Martí Manuel A. Espinoza Alfredo Palacios Don Husereau Andrés Pichon-Riviere

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