The implementation phase of the Turkish Health Transformation Program (HTP) began in 2003, with the aim of organizing, financing, and delivering health care services effectively, efficiently, and equally. The HTP impacted all clinical and economic outcomes of health, including pharmaceutical sales, by improving access to health services.
To understand the impact of five selected major policy changes that made an impact on supply, demand, or price in the pharmaceutical market between 1998 and 2012.
Monthly sales data (in units and value in US $) of a total of 180 pharmaceuticals covering the period between 1998 and 2012 were used for statistical analysis. Five major policies that could affect health expenditures and the demand and supply of pharmaceuticals were selected and led by the Ministry of Health. A P value of less than 0.05 was considered as the cutoff value for statistical significance.
There was a growing trend in pharmaceuticals value and units in years, possibly as a result of the HTP implementation. Supply- and demand-related policies had a negative impact on the trends for value, whereas the pricing policy had a positive impact.
It could be said that the HTP had an impact on units for improved access to health care services. Although this access increased the consumption of pharmaceuticals in units, the policies implemented were successful in controlling pharmaceutical expenditures.
Esra Safak Yılmaz Güvenç Koçkaya Fatma Betül Yenilmez Mete Saylan Mehtap Tatar Akif Akbulat Hakkı Gürsöz Saim Kerman