Navigating the RWE Landscape - Successes, Struggles, and the Path Forward


Moderator: Nancy A Dreyer, MPH, PhD, FISPE, IQVIA Real World Solutions, Newton, MA, USA
Speakers: Ashley Jaksa, MPH, Aetion, Inc, Boston, MA, USA; Wim Goettsch, PhD, National Health Care Institute (ZIN); Utrecht University, Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Clinical Pharmacology, Diemen, Netherlands; Tae Hyun Jung, PhD, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD, USA; Stephen Duffield, PhD, MD, NICE, Liverpool, UK

Presentation Documents

This session will include review of specific cases of RWE use for regulatory or HTA purposes, with consideration of both data and analytic issues. The discussion will What has worked, what the challenges have been, and what lessons can be drawn for the future.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2023-5, ISPOR Real-World Evidence Summit 2023, Boston, MA, USA


Real World Data & Information Systems

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