A Value-Based Negotiation Framework for Improved Managed Entry Agreement Negotiations and Faster Access to Innovative Therapies


Discussion Leader: Amanda Whittal, PhD, Dolon Ltd., Breisach, BW, Germany
Discussant: Claudio Jommi, M.Sc., CERGAS, CERGAS Bocconi University, Milan, Italy

Presentation Documents


To interactively engage with a proposed value-based negotiation framework (VBNF) tool to facilitate more structured, transparent and faster negotiations of managed entry agreements (MEAs) for innovative therapies.


Innovative therapies hold substantial potential for diseases with unmet need, but simultaneously often raise concerns around affordability and/or evidential uncertainties. MEAs represent a method that can address these concerns, in order to accelerate access for patients to promising innovative therapies.

To support more structured, transparent and faster MEA negotiations, the VBNF concept has been developed based on current scientific literature and real-world expertise. It uses a stepwise approach with corresponding tools to systematically identify and prioritize manufacturer and payer perspectives and concerns about a product, and select a mutually acceptable combination of MEA terms that can best address these priority concerns.

The concept has been published as a peer reviewed article and has been presented at various conferences and workshops, including ISPOR Europe 2021; the goal of this workshop is to now move beyond the conceptual phase and host a mini-negotiation with more active audience engagement. Discussion leaders will use 10 minutes to introduce the background and framework; further detail will be provided throughout the interactive experience. Regulators, payers, manufacturers and NGOs will benefit from this workshop.


10 minutes will be used to introduce a simplified case example of a fictitious disease and product. The audience will be tasked with taking the ‘payer’ or ‘manufacturer’ perspective, and engaging for 30 minutes with a digital tool based on the framework concept to identify priority concerns and possible MEA terms. In the last 10 minutes, discussion leaders will comment on the results of the experience and the MEA agreed by the audience. The audience will discuss their experiences with the framework and if and how it could be applied in practice.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2022-11, ISPOR Europe 2022, Vienna, Austria



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