Personalized Values for Health: Introducing O.P.U.F., the Online Elicitation of Personal Utility Functions


Discussion Leader: Nancy Joy Devlin, PhD, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Discussants: Ben A Van Hout, PhD, ScHARR, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK; Paul Schneider, MD, MSc, ScHARR, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK; Marieke Heisen, PhD, Patient-Centered Outcomes & Patient Engagement, OPEN Health Evidence & Access, Rotterdam, Netherlands


Traditional health valuation methods, such as time trade-off and discrete choice experiments, require data from large samples and are decompositional (‘uncovered’) in nature. Moreover, the values they produce are only valid for the sample average.

The recently developed OPUF framework provides a new approach: building on advanced preference elicitation techniques, it enables the creation of adaptive online surveys for the personalised valuation of health. Thereby, OPUF can produce evidence on value for small groups and even on the individual level, being compositional (‘deliberate’) in nature. The framework can be used with existing patient-reported outcome instruments as well as with de novo sets of attributes.

This workshop will introduce the OPUF framework and focus on the need and potential for personalised health values. Workshop participants will get a live demonstration of the OPUF method.

This workshop will resonate with an audience that is interested in valuation, innovation, patient-centric solutions, individualized medicine, and rare disease.


In this workshop, we will address the WHY-HOW-WHAT-WHEN of OPUF.

WHY (10 min): Dr. Van Hout will discuss the unmet need that OPUF can fulfil in comparison to existing methods.

HOW (10 min): Dr. Devlin will discuss the theoretical framework to explain what sets OPUF apart from current stated preference methods.

WHAT (15 min): Dr. Schneider will provide a live demonstration based on the EQ-5D-5L with participation of the audience, and show how OPUF can be used to generate aggregate and respondent-level results.

WHEN (10 min): Dr. Heisen will discuss in which cases OPUF should be considered.

Closing (15 min): Dr. Devlin will conclude the workshop and chair the Q&A session.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2022-11, ISPOR Europe 2022, Vienna, Austria




Patient-Centered Research

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