November 12, 2023
Reporting Economic Evaluations: How to Use CHEERS 2022 (in person)
LEVEL: Introductory
TRACK: Economic Evaluation
LENGTH: 4 Hours | Course runs 1 day
This short course is offered in-person at the ISPOR Europe 2023 conference. Separate registration is required. Visit the ISPOR Europe 2023 Program page to register and learn more.
Sunday, 12 November 2023 | Course runs 1 Day
13:00- 17:00 Central European Time (CET)
Separate registration required.
Economic evaluations make up a large proportion of the literature in health economics and outcomes research. These studies are increasingly used in healthcare decision making and it is critical that they are reported correctly. This course is intended to familiarize participants with the rational for, and content of, the important reporting items in economic evaluations. The Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS) are an EQUATOR guideline and represent the state of art for reporting economic evaluations. CHEERS consists of 28 reporting items relating to the introduction and design of economic evaluations, their methods, and the reporting of results. The rationale for the various items will be given, along with illustrative examples explaining their content. Participants will learn how to use CHEERS in reporting their own economic evaluations, and in reading evaluations conducted by others. In addition, key issues relating to the use of CHEERS will be discussed.
Registrants receive a digital course book. Copyright, Trademark and Confidentiality Policies apply.
Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Basic Schedule:
4 Hours | Course runs 1 Day