Progression Free Survival and Duration of Treatment as a Proxy of Disease Severity: Use of These Variables to Determine Price Benchmarks


Mangia PP1, Guardigni M2, Lidonnici D2, Luccini F2
1MA Provider Srl, Milan, MI, Italy, 2MA Provider Srl, Milano, Italy

Presentation Documents

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to compare the treatment cost of drugs reimbursed by the Italian NHS and indicated for solid tumors, based on the duration of treatment (DoT) and progression-free survival (PFS).

METHODS: Drugs included in the sample had the last indication reimbursed after 2017 and eventual previous ones after 2010. The treatment cost (Ex-factory) based on DoT was calculated for each drug. The treatment cost was then divided by the months of PFS recorded in the respective clinical trials to obtain a cost per month of PFS, interpreted as the value AIFA gave to that drug. To cluster the analysis and compare the data, PFS and DoT were used as a proxy for disease severity. Two different analyses were performed, considering 4 ranges of DoT and PFS (0-3, 4-6, 7-10 and >10 months).

RESULTS: Analysis of 34 drugs covering 71 different indications showed that treatments within a DoT range of: 0-3 have an average therapy cost per month of PFS of € 8,762; 4-6 have an average therapy cost of PFS of € 6,440; 7-10 have an average therapy cost per month of PFS of € 5,098; >10 have an average therapy cost per month of PFS of € 4,576. Treatments within a PFS range of: 0-3 have an average therapy cost per month of PFS of €8,865; 4-6 have an average therapy cost of PFS of € 6,614; 7-10 have an average therapy cost per month of PFS of € 5,270; >10 have average therapy cost per month of PFS of € 3,992.

CONCLUSIONS: The analysis shows that the treatment cost per month of PFS, reimbursed by the Italian NHS, increases as DoT/PFS values decrease and, therefore, correlating with the proxy of disease severity. These variables are therefore informative in determining the benchmark price, even without considering unmet need and added value.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2022-11, ISPOR Europe 2022, Vienna, Austria

Value in Health, Volume 25, Issue 12S (December 2022)




Economic Evaluation, Health Policy & Regulatory

Topic Subcategory

Cost-comparison, Effectiveness, Utility, Benefit Analysis, Pricing Policy & Schemes, Reimbursement & Access Policy


SDC: Oncology

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