Washington, DC—May 24, 2016—The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (
21st Annual International Meeting Issue Panel 12—
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: A New Paradigm in Health Care Decision Making? What Are the Current Status, Challenges, and Opportunities?—was held this afternoon in Washington, DC, USA.
The Issue Panel moderator was
James Dolan, MD, Professor, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA. Panelists included:
- Kevin Marsh, PhD, Executive Director, Evidera, London, UK
- Mireille M. Goetghebeur, PhD, MEng, Global Scientist, LASER Analytica and School of Public Health, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada
- Mabel Moreno Viscaya, PhD, Senior Economist, Instituto de Evaluación Tecnológica en Salud (IETS), Bogata, Colombia
Multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA), an application of decision analytics that can help improve the quality of complicated decisions, is gaining significant interest in health care. MCDA application in health care decision making can also be subject to controversy. For example, while many MCDA methods are available, little guidance currently exists for how to choose the right technique for a particular problem. The ISPOR
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in Health Care Decision Making Emerging Good Practices Task Force was established in 2014 to help fill this knowledge gap.
The panel used content from a two-day workshop that convened MCDA experts from around the world to illustrate and spark discussion of the controversies and complexities of health care decisions. The panelists encouraged attendees to apply MCDA in health economics and outcomes research to provide a way to change the current paradigm in health care decision making.
Additional information and resources on MCDA can be found on the ISPOR website, including:
Presentations and slide decks from the ISPOR 21st Annual International meeting can be found
here. Interested parties can follow news and developments from the meeting on social media using the hashtag