ISPOR Conferences and Events
ISPOR Conferences and Events
Registration is open for ISPOR Europe 2023, the leading European conference for health economics and outcomes research (HEOR)!
Claim your badge and plan to be there for this 3-day conference that will focus on the hottest trends in global healthcare. The conference will feature short courses, plenaries, spotlight sessions, breakouts, forums, sponsored educational symposia, poster presentations, discussion groups, and an exhibit hall.
New this year - add the Conference Digital Pass to your registration for on demand viewing post-conference! Learn more here.
Travel grants are available to support attendance for eligible ISPOR members. Learn more here.
In addition, you’ll have dedicated opportunities to network with HEOR expert stakeholders, global thought leaders, and your peers to explore how we share value that is sustainable for health systems, patients, and technology developers.
Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at ISPOR Europe 2023?
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ISPOR Education
ISPOR short courses are designed to enhance knowledge and techniques in core health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) topics as well as emerging trends in the field. Short courses offer 4 or 8 hours of premium scientific education and a digital course book. Active attendee participation combined with our expert faculty creates an immersive and impactful virtual learning experience. Short courses are not recorded and are only available during the live broadcast.
August 22-23 / 10:00AM – 12:00PM EDT (Virtual)
Selecting Rapid Review Methods for Health Technology Assessment
What you will learn in this intermediate level course:
• Enable review teams and commissioners to have a clear understanding of possible approaches to undertaking a rapid review.
• Improve skills in selecting appropriate rapid review methods.
• Ensure the rapid review methods chosen can address the requirements of the review within the time frame.
September 6-7 / 10:00AM – 12:00PM EDT (Virtual)
Targeted Learning for Generating Real-World Evidence in Evolving Regulatory Landscape
What you will learn in this introductory level course:
• Learn about the evolving real-world data regulatory landscape.
• Understand traditional statistical methods for adjusting confounding and missingness and their limitations.
• See how targeted learning provides an alternative to the traditional approaches.
September 19-20 / 10:00AM – 12:00PM EDT (Virtual)
Mapping to Estimate Utility Values From Non-Preference Based Outcome Measures: Part 1
What you will learn in this introductory level course:
• Recognize when mapping is useful for cost utility analysis and when it may not be appropriate.
• Plan studies that collect data for a mapping study or assess the relevance of available data.
• Understand the outputs of a mapping study and to be able to use them appropriately in a cost effectiveness analysis.
October 4-5 / 10:00AM – 12:00PM EDT (Virtual)
Analysis of Longitudinal Data: Fixed and Random Effects Models
What you will learn in this intermediate level course:
• Understand the benefits and challenges of data where patients are measured more than once.
• Recognize the concept and intuition of fixed and random effects model for longitudinal data analysis.
• Apply a fixed or random effects model in practice in Stata, and statistically test whether assumptions are met.
View all short courses available during ISPOR Europe 2023
Learn more about the ISPOR Short Course Program
ISPOR Education
August 22 / 10:00AM – 11:00AM EDT
Driving Health Outcomes: Exploring Value-Based Procurement
What you will learn in this webinar:
• Become clear on the benefits of adopting a value-based procurement (VBP) approach.
• Understand the challenges and concerns of VBP implementations.
• Gain knowledge about strategies for a successful implementation of VBP.
September 12 / 10:00AM – 11:00AM EDT
Communicating High Value in Scientific Publications
What you will learn in this webinar:
• Identify strategies used to develop high-quality scientific publications.
• Learn how to build a value story that includes key messages supported by study results.
• Explain the importance of identifying the correct target audience for sharing your research and developing scientific products that are geared toward that audience.
September 13 / 10:00AM – 11:00AM EDT
The Use of Real-World Evidence in HTA in Central and Eastern Europe
What you will learn in this webinar:
• Gain a better understanding of the opportunities and potential benefits of using real-world data (RWD) and real-world evidence (RWE) in the Central and Eastern Europe region.
• Explore ways to overcome barriers preventing the use of RWD/RWE in the region.
September 20 / 10:00AM – 11:00AM EDT
Innovative Uses of Technology to Advance Preference Research
What you will learn in this webinar:
• Understand the ways technology can be used to present complex information and better inform and engage online respondents.
• See how these different methods can impact response rates and data quality.
• Learn how technology can be used to adapt preference surveys to mobile devices.
September 21 / 12:00PM – 1:00PM EDT
Application of Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis to the US Setting
What you will learn in this webinar:
• Enhance awareness of distributional cost-effectiveness analysis (DCEA) as a method for quantifying the equity impacts of health decisions.
• Introduce the foundational data available in the US to conduct DCEA.
• Learn how to gather data for a DCEA and develop a DCEA in the US setting through a case study in Alzheimer’s disease.
September 26 / 10:00AM – 11:00AM EDT
How to Drive Value in the Digital Transformation Era?
What you will learn in this webinar:
• Discuss the key findings from previous webinars which reviewed the regulatory/legal, manufacturer/payer, and patient perspectives on the balance between data privacy and the need for data sharing (openness) in the digital health era.
• Explore the development of generic recommendations for data sharing in pricing and reimbursement setting to ensure equal access to data driven healthcare services.
• List potential generic recommendations for manufacturers on the value propositions development for digital health solutions utilizing available data for the benefit of patients.
View upcoming and on-demand ISPOR Webinars:
ISPOR Business Resources
The HEOR Learning Lab™ is ISPOR’S newest educational resource for professionals who work or have an interest in the field of health economics and outcomes research (HEOR). HEOR Learning Lab provides unlimited, on-demand, educational video content to facilitate learning and innovative approaches in the field from the leading global organization in HEOR.
HEOR Learning Lab includes high-value content selected from the Society’s conferences, summits, and other seminal events. The easily searchable content is focused on the most topical themes impacting the field, including real-world evidence, patient-centered research, digital health, artificial intelligence and machine learning, health technology assessment, economic methods, healthcare financing, access and policy, learning healthcare systems, and much more. More than 500 on-demand content sessions are currently available on the platform!
Visit HEOR Learning Lab at
The HEOR Solutions Center is an online business community that connects health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) professionals with the solutions they need for their businesses and organizations. Connect with leading health research consulting firms, contract research organizations, data management providers, digital innovators, and more. Find the right solutions to meet your business needs.
Interested in becoming an integral part of ISPOR’s online business community?
For more information on joining the HEOR Solutions Center, contact or download the HEOR Solutions Center Product Information here.
Learn more about the HEOR Solutions Center at