ISPOR Conferences and Events
ISPOR Conferences and Events

ISPOR Europe 2023 is shaping up as THE not-to-be-missed European conference of the year with a host of thought-provoking sessions and opportunities to immerse yourself in the health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) space. Network with HEOR expert stakeholders, global thought leaders, and your peers to explore how we share value that is sustainable for health systems, patients, and technology developers.
Session highlights include high-profile plenary sessions tied to the conference theme “HEOR at the Nexus of Policy and Science” led by program committee co-chairs, offering insightful commentary on the pressing issues in healthcare today.
Join us for these Plenary sessions:
Monday, 13 November | 8:30 CET
European Health Data Space: RWE Put to Work for Public Health
Moderator: Steffen Thirstrup, MD, PhD, CMO, European Medicines Agency
Tuesday, 14 November | 8:30 CET
The New Pharma Legislation Proposal: The Good, the Bad, or the... ?
Moderator: Anja Schiel, PhD, Norwegian Medicines Agency
Wednesday, 15 November | 11:30 CET
The Calm Before the Storm? Delivering the New Reality for EU HTA
Moderator: Adrian Griffin, MSc, Johnson & Johnson
Spotlight sessions will highlight areas of innovation in HEOR:
• Navigating Challenges and Seizing Opportunities: Leveraging Multiple RWD Sources in External Control Arms for HTA and Regulatory Decision Making
• What Should Value Assessment of New Antibiotics Look Like in the Context of Pull Incentives? The How, What, and Where Next for Antimicrobial Resistance and Health Technology Assessment
• Behavioral Economics to Inform Healthcare Decisions
View a snapshot of our in-person short courses:
• The Role of Digital Endpoints in the Value Generation for Health Technologies
• Valuation of Innovative Drugs
• Unveiling the EU-HTA Regulation: A Deep Dive Into the Joint Clinical Assessment
View all in-person short courses here.
Claim your conference badge and consider adding the new Conference Digital Pass to your registration for on-demand viewing post-conference. Conference Digital Pass holders also have exclusive access to a post-conference Key Insights Session for recap and comment on conference activities. Details here.
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The Leading Global Conference for Health Economics and Outcomes Research
Healthcare leaders will convene at ISPOR 2024, the leading global conference for health economics and outcomes research, May 5-8, for discussion and dissemination of the latest trends in healthcare.
Submit your Abstract!
Session Abstract Submission Opens: October 5, 2023
Session Abstract Submission Closes: December 14, 2023
Research and Case Study Abstract Submission Opens: November 2, 2023
Research and Case Study Abstract Submission Closes: January 11, 2024
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ISPOR Education

ISPOR short courses are designed to enhance knowledge and techniques in core health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) topics as well as emerging trends in the field. Short courses offer 4 or 8 hours of premium scientific education and a digital course book. Active attendee participation combined with our expert faculty creates an immersive and impactful virtual learning experience. Short courses are not recorded and are only available during the live broadcast.
Upcoming ISPOR short courses include:
October 17-18 | 10:00AM – 12:00PM EDT (Virtual)
Understanding Survival Modeling With Application to HTA
What you will learn in this intermediate level course:
• Understand the relationships between key time-to-event functions and their use in economic modeling.
• Examine various approaches to alternative parametric survival models employed in cost-effectiveness analyses.
• Consider the differences when selecting survival models for cost-effectiveness analyses and the differences between partitioned survival and Markov-based cost-effectiveness models.
October 25-26 | 10:00AM – 12:00PM EDT (Virtual)
Patient-Focused Medical-Product Development: It’s Here. Are you Ready for it?
What you will learn in this introductory level course:
• Get a foundational introduction to patient engagement (PE) in medical-product research and development by defining the terms, providing historical context, and illustrating its significance throughout ISPOR’s HEOR taxonomy.
• Acquire tools to plan and implement meaningful PE activities in their respective areas of research (eg, clinical development, epidemiology, health economics, real-world evidence, etc).
• Build skills needed for those responsible for doing the engaging versus those using PE in research.
November 1 | 10:00AM – 2:00PM EDT (Virtual)
Use of Propensity Scores in Observational Studies of Treatment Effects
What you will learn in this intermediate level course:
• Recognize the ways propensity scores can be used to mitigate confounding through standard observational approaches (restriction, stratification, matching, regression, or weighting).
• Understand the advantages and disadvantages of standard adjustment relative to propensity score-based methods.
• Learn the details of propensity score methodology (variable selection, use, and diagnostics) and risk adjustment models that collapse predictors of outcomes and their use relative to propensity scores.
December 6-7 | 10:00AM – 12:00PM EST (Virtual)
Transportability Methods for Clinical Trials and External/Indirect Comparisons
What you will learn in this intermediate level course:
• Understand and evaluate the plausibility of the assumptions required for transportability analyses for extending inferences from a clinical trial to a target population and for conducting external comparisons.
• Appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of different transportability methods (eg, weighting, outcome modeling, and doubly robust methods).
• Be able to implement the methods in data and interpret their output.
December 12-13 | 10:00AM – 12:00PM EST (Virtual)
Structured Expert Elicitation for Healthcare Decision Making
What you will learn in this introductory level course:
• Understand the fundamentals of structured expert elicitation (SEE): what it is, when to use it, and the resources required.
• Understand key drivers of methodological decisions when planning an SEE exercise.
• Utilize the publicly available SEE tool developed by the University of York and Lumanity.
View all short courses
ISPOR Webinars

October 10 | 10:00AM – 11:00AM EDT
External Control Arms: Application, Key Methods, and Acceptability
What you will learn in this webinar:
• Understand when and why external control arms (ECA) are used and what are acceptable types of data and methods to build ECAs.
• Understand terminology such as Target Trial Emulation, ECA, historic control arms, simulated and synthetic control arms, and be aware of the key considerations when performing ECA, including methods, assumptions and limitations of ECAs.
• Understand the circumstances under which ECAs are accepted from regulatory and HTA bodies.
October 11 | 10:00AM – 11:00AM EDT
How Does Biosimilar Availability Create Value for the Patient? A Conversation About Avenues to Widen Access to Biologics
What you will learn in this webinar:
• Gain knowledge from real-life examples on how biosimilar adoption has positively impacted care.
• Integrate testimonials from patient, policy, and healthcare professional representatives on the topic of biosimilar value.
• Reflect on what is further needed to increase the value proposition from biosimilar entry for patients.
October 13 | 12:00PM – 1:00PM EDT
Payer Views on Prescription Digital Therapeutics in the United States and Canada
What you will learn in this webinar:
• Understand how different US payers evaluate prescription digital therapeutics (PDTs).
• Understand different stakeholder perspectives regarding PDT appraisals and emerging PDT priorities.
• Consider challenges for integration of PDTs into health systems.
December 5 | 11:00AM – 12:00PM EST
Tokenization in Clinical Trials: Benefits and End-to-End Enablement
What you will learn in this webinar:
• Understand tokenization, its benefits and applicability, including how tokenization can be used to follow clinical trial participants in the real world.
• Gain an understanding of the key considerations and steps needed to tokenize clinical trials, including necessary interactions with clinical trial sites.
• Learn how to create linked datasets and how to leverage it for generating fit-for-purpose RWE with appropriate study designs.
December 7 | 9:00AM – 10:00AM EST
Data Privacy and Digital Health Implementation: The Patient Perspective
What you will learn in this webinar:
• Understand patient involvement in new digital health initiatives.
• Learn about data sharing as it relates to privacy and security from the patient perspective.
• Recognize expectations from patients to get individual digital health feedback information.
December 8 | 10:00AM – 11:00AM EST
Digital Technologies for Health Systems: The African Experience
What you will learn in this webinar:
• Understand how to outline the rolling out digital health technologies experience within the African continent.
• Discuss the role of big data analytics in economic evaluations of health interventions in African countries.
• Describe the future prospects of digital health technologies in the African context.
View upcoming and on-demand ISPOR Webinars
ISPOR Business Resources

The HEOR Learning Lab™ is ISPOR’s educational resource for professionals who work or have an interest in the field of HEOR. The HEOR Learning Lab provides unlimited, on-demand educational video content to facilitate learning and innovative approaches in the field from the leading global organization in HEOR.
The HEOR Learning Lab includes high-value content selected from the Society’s conferences, summits, and other seminal events. The easily searchable content is focused on the most topical themes impacting the field, including real-world evidence, patient-centered research, digital health, artificial intelligence and machine learning, health technology assessment, economic methods, healthcare financing, access and policy, learning healthcare systems, and much more.
More than 500 on-demand content sessions are currently available on the platform!
Visit HEOR Learning Lab
The HEOR Solutions Center is an online business community that connects health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) professionals with the solutions they need for their businesses and organizations. Connect with leading health research consulting firms, contract research organizations, data management providers, digital innovators, and more. Find the right solutions to meet your business needs.
Interested in becoming an integral part of ISPOR’s online business community?
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or download the HEOR Solutions Center Product Information here.
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