Characterization of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients By eGFR Status Using Health Insurance Claims Linked to Lab Testing Data
Auran S1, Kenyon R2
1Komodo Health, New York, NY, USA, 2Komodo Health, San Francisco, CA, USA
Presentation Documents
OBJECTIVES: To characterize gender and race & ethnicity of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients by estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) status using US claims linked with lab data.
METHODS: The analysis used the US-claims-based dataset, the Komodo Healthcare Map, consisting of 330M patient lives linked with Komodo Lab Results to derive eGFR lab data. CKD patients were defined as having a claim by ICD10CM code between 1/1/2021 and 12/31/2022 and being payer-complete, closed patients (Mx and Rx) during this period. 5 stages of CKD by eGFR defined by the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) were observed. Distribution of patients for each stage was reported by gender and race & ethnicity.
RESULTS: Of the patients identified with closed Komodo claims and eGFR lab values, 69,092 (12%) were stage 1 (eGFR 90-150), 167,684 (29%) were stage 2 (eGFR 60-89), 276,254 (47%) were stage 3 (eGFR 30-59), 49,495 (8%) were stage 4 (eGFR 15-29), 19,719 (3%) were stage 5, and 1,506 (0.3%) had hyperfiltration (eGFR >150). For patients with stage 5 eGFR levels (eGFR <15), 9,388 (48%) of patients were female and 10,331 (52%) were male with race and ethnicity breakdown was 7,507 patients were White (43%), 5,054 patients were Black (29%), 1,076 patients were Asian (6%), 3,303 patients were Hispanic or Latino (19%), and 541 patients were other (3%).
CONCLUSIONS: CKD-diagnosed patients in payer-complete/closed claims data can be augmented with linked eGFR values to understand kidney disease patients by stage to further insights in CKD.
Conference/Value in Health Info
Value in Health, Volume 27, Issue 6, S1 (June 2024)
Real World Data & Information Systems
Topic Subcategory
Data Protection, Integrity, & Quality Assurance, Health & Insurance Records Systems, Reproducibility & Replicability
No Additional Disease & Conditions/Specialized Treatment Areas, Urinary/Kidney Disorders