Best of Both Worlds: Enhancing Claims Data with Lab Results in Real-World Evidence Generation


Ma X1, Devine F1, Huang TY2
1Komodo Health, Inc., Jersey City, NJ, USA, 2Komodo Health, Inc., New York, NY, USA

Presentation Documents

OBJECTIVES: Health insurance claims have become the mainstream foundation for real-world evidence in recent decades. Yet, the lack of clinical details is a well-known limitation of claims databases. Thanks to modern technology of tokenization, the linkage between claims and lab results is now more accessible and with patient privacy preserved. Using a recently developed lab dataset as an example, this study explored the data capabilities of lab results and evaluated their potential to enhance claims databases.

METHODS: In a cross-sectional approach, this study assessed data availability of the Komodo Lab Results (KLR), characterized patient-level laboratory testing pattern, and quantified cohort overlap via linkage to administrative data and claims in the Komodo Research Dataset (KRD) from January 2016 to November 2023.

RESULTS: KLR has 33 lab tests and over 3.4 billion results recorded for over 59 million unique patients in the US, including blood cell/platelets, neutrophils, immunoglobulins, EGFR, and INR. Specifically, over 46 million patients had serum potassium values, with 65% repeatedly tested and a median 31.2 months since the first to last values. Equivalent estimates respectively for LDL-cholesterol and HbA1c were 34 and 28 million, 60% and 58% repeatedly tested, and 35.1 and 30.1 months. On average, 97.1% of patients also contributed to the KRD. Repeat testing rate was within 1% difference for all included tests between overall KLR patients and the subset overlapped with KRD.

CONCLUSIONS: Lab datasets contain a wealth of structured clinical information. Together with the longitudinality strength of claims databases, lab results are a valuable resource for researchers seeking contextualization of patient health over time and the granularity of outcomes assessment.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2024-05, ISPOR 2024, Atlanta, GA, USA

Value in Health, Volume 27, Issue 6, S1 (June 2024)




Clinical Outcomes, Study Approaches

Topic Subcategory

Clinical Outcomes Assessment


Cardiovascular Disorders (including MI, Stroke, Circulatory), Diabetes/Endocrine/Metabolic Disorders (including obesity), No Additional Disease & Conditions/Specialized Treatment Areas

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