Modeling the Cost-Effectiveness in a Sub-Population: Tepotinib Versus Chemoimmunotherapy (C+IO) in Untreated Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Harboring MET Exon 14 (METEX14) Skipping


Batteson R1, Vioix H2, Wheat H1, Battershill W1
1Delta Hat Limited, Nottingham, UK, 2Merck Healthcare KGaA, Darmstadt, HE, Germany

Presentation Documents

OBJECTIVES: Guidelines recommend C+IO as first-line treatment in non-oncogenic NSCLC. METex14 skipping has been identified as a biomarker with distinct characteristics, constituting 3‒4% of the overall NSCLC population. There are no published clinical trial studies available for C+IO in METex14 skipping NSCLC. Various modeling approaches were explored to estimate the relative cost‑effectiveness, given data limitations.

METHODS: Three methods were implemented to compare tepotinib versus C+IO using a partitioned-survival model over a 30-year time horizon: 1) real-world data, specifically in a METex14 skipping population, weighted to the untreated cohort in the tepotinib trial (VISION); 2) published hazard ratios from a C+IO versus chemotherapy trial (KEYNOTE-189) in the wider NSCLC population, applied to real-world chemotherapy data in METex14 skipping NSCLC population; and 3) matching-adjusted indirect comparison adjusting the tepotinib trial to the C+IO KEYNOTE-189 population. For each approach, parametric models were fitted to extrapolate long-term outcomes over the time-horizon. Utilities for each health-state were derived from the tepotinib study, with adverse events and age-associated disutilities extracted from the literature.

RESULTS: Survival and quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gain in the progression-free health states ranged from 0.53 to 1.74 LYs and 0.33 to 0.94 QALYs. Method 1 estimated the greatest survival benefit for tepotinib versus C+IO of 1.65 years (3.56 vs 1.92), followed by method 3 with 1.42 years (5.06 vs 3.64), whereas method 2 showed a survival decrement of 1.95 years (3.56 vs 5.51). Total incremental QALYs ranged from −0.95 to 0.82.

CONCLUSIONS: All methods demonstrated a progression-free QALY and survival benefit of tepotinib versus C+IO providing evidence of superiority. The greatest differences are driven by post-progression survival which is likely due to the different data sources used, as only method 1 uses the correct METex14 skipping population, whereas methods 2 and 3 rely on the wider NSCLC data, which is a major limitation of these approaches.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2023-11, ISPOR Europe 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark

Value in Health, Volume 26, Issue 11, S2 (December 2023)




Economic Evaluation

Topic Subcategory

Cost-comparison, Effectiveness, Utility, Benefit Analysis


Drugs, Oncology

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