What is the Role of ISPOR Regional Chapters in Health Technology Implementation?

Published Oct 8, 2013
Budapest, Hungary - Middle income countries often do not have a clear roadmap for the implementation of health technology assessment (HTA) in policy decisions. Since examples from high income countries may not be relevant, roadmaps for the implementation of HTA from smaller-size, lower-income countries can provide a relevant benchmark for countries with similar cultural backgrounds and economic status. ISPOR Regional Chapters may play a crucial role in improving the standards of HTA implementation in Central and Eastern European countries. In the paper: “Capacity Building for HTA Implementation in Middle Income Countries: The Case of Hungary,” board members of the ISPOR Hungary Chapter, addressed the capacity building process for HTA implementation in Hungary with special focus on the role of ISPOR Hungary Chapter. Health technology assessment implementation in Hungary started in the mid-90’s with capacity building at local universities through support from the World Bank, followed by the publication of methodological guidelines for conducting health economic evaluations in 2002. The Hungarian Health Economics Association (META) - established in 2003 - has been recognized as a driving force of HTA implementation. In 2007, META became the official ISPOR Regional Chapter in Hungary. In 2004, the National Health Insurance Fund Administration made the cost-effectiveness and budget impact criteria compulsory prior to granting reimbursement to new pharmaceuticals. An Office of Health Technology Assessment was established for the critical appraisal of economic evaluations submitted by pharmaceutical manufacturers. In 2010 multi-criteria decision analysis was introduced for new hospital technologies. Zoltan Kalo, MSc, MD, PhD, Director, Health Economics Research Centre, Faculty of Social Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University and Chair of the Executive Committee of the ISPOR Central & Eastern Europe Network says that: “As the economic crisis may create an opportunity to further strengthen the evidence base of health care decision making in the forthcoming period, ISPOR Hungary Chapter may play an even more crucial role in improving the standards of HTA implementation and facilitating international collaboration with other Central and Eastern European countries.” The full paper, “Capacity Building for HTA Implementation in Middle Income Countries: The Case of Hungary,” is published in Value in Health Regional Issues.
Value in Health Regional Issues  (ISSN 2212-1099) is a scientific journal that encourages and enhances the science of pharmacoeconomic/health economic and health outcomes research and its use in health care decisions. The journal is published up to three times a year with one issue focusing on the Asia region, one issue focusing on the Latin America region, and one issue focusing on the Central & Eastern Europe, Western Asia and Africa regions. The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) is a nonprofit, international, educational and scientific organization that strives to increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and fairness of health care resource use to improve health.

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