November 12, 2023
Valuation of Innovative Drugs (in person)
LEVEL: Intermediate
TRACK: Health Policy & Regulatory
LENGTH: 4 Hours | Course runs 1 day
This short course is offered in-person at the ISPOR Europe 2023 conference. Separate registration is required. Visit the ISPOR Europe 2023 Program page to register and learn more.
Sunday, 12 November 2023 | Course runs 1 Day
13:00-17:00 Central European Time (CET)
The value of medical innovation depends on the perspective. Registration authorities (EMA, FDA) mainly consider the clinical value of the medical innovation, whereas national health authorities take a broader perspective by including clinical, economic criteria, and potential other criteria like equity and social values. Value-based pricing is the most widely accepted approach in the pricing and reimbursement process in Europe, which varies from the narrow concept based on the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) threshold to broader approaches. Value-based pricing determines the maximum price from the national payer perspective. This price should exceed the minimum price for the investor acting in the international financial market, which is based on economic valuation theory. Finally, there are other stakeholders, eg, patients, physicians’ healthcare insurers, employers, with their specific assessment of the value of medical innovation varying from, respectively, quality of life, effectiveness, budget impact, and costs of lost productivity. This course offers an overview of the perspectives of the relevant stakeholders and their respective data requirements for value assessment of innovative drugs. The course will then describe in-depth description of the various value-based pricing methods, eg, ICER, multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA), comparative effectiveness research (CER), and relative effectiveness (RE). We include examples of orphan drugs and ATMPs which are most striking to illustrate the concepts, but we also include value assessment for more traditional innovative drugs in broad indications. Familiarity with health economic evaluation is desirable, but the course assumes little or no familiarity with economic valuation theory.
Registrants receive a digital course book. Copyright, Trademark and Confidentiality Policies apply.
Basic Schedule:
4 Hours | Course runs 1 Day