Webinar: Balancing Economics and Ethics: How Can VA/HTA Support Equitable Resource Allocation?

21 September 2020

Evolving data from COVID-19 tell the story we already know: the impact of this disease affects people – especially people of color - disproportionately, both in terms of risk and prevalence, as well as access to care and outcomes. In considering VA/HTA approaches, as well as in discerning how to apply such findings, how must we address questions of ethics and equity?

After attending this webinar, participants will be able to

  • Discuss key ethical issues in allocating limited resources in fighting against COVID-19 in the US and globally
  • Consider how to account for vulnerable populations especially at risk, and their needs
  • Evaluate the importance of equity in VA/HTA
  • Identify methods and their readiness to address equity in distribution of tests, treatments, and vaccines

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