Shelby D. Reed, RPh, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of General Internal Medicine at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Dr. Reed has nearly 20 years of experience leading and conducting multidisciplinary health outcomes research, policy evaluations and economic evaluations of medical interventions and diagnostics. Prior to joining Duke, she received her pharmacy and doctoral degrees from the School of Pharmacy at the University of Maryland and completed her training in the Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research and Policy Program at the Center for AIDS Research at the University of Washington. In 2005, she was the inaugural recipient of the ISPOR Bernie O’Brien New Investigator Award.
In her 16 years at the Duke Clinical Research Institute, she has led numerous trial-based and model-based cost-effectiveness analyses. She was a member of the ISPOR Task Forces for Good Research Practices for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis alongside Clinical Trials in 2005 and 2015. Dr. Reed also has years of experience conducting studies using secondary data from health care claims, trials, surveys and disease registries. In evaluating health policy issues, she has developed computer models to evaluate the economic impact of trends in clinical trial design, changes in reimbursement policies, a new financing scheme to spur drug development for ultra-rare conditions, and the societal value of alternative approaches to identifying drug safety problems. More recently, she has expanded her academic interests to include stated-preference research and now co-leads the Preference Evaluation Research (PreFER) Group at Duke, conducting industry- and government-funded studies.
Dr. Reed has been actively engaged in ISPOR over the years. She served on the ISPOR Board of Directors from 2009-2011, and she was a Member of the Vision 2020 Task Force, serving as Chair of the Communications Working Group. She served as Co-chair of the Workshop Review Committee for three Annual International Meetings, and she is currently Vice-Chair of both the ISPOR Awards Committee and the Short Course Development and Quality Assurance Committee. She was appointed to the Editorial Advisory Board for Value in Health in 2013, and she is currently serving as a guest editor for a themed issue on patient-centered benefit-risk assessment to support regulatory decision making.
ISPOR VISION Statement by Shelby D. Reed, RPh, PhD
ISPOR is at the hub of health outcomes research and policy, bridging stakeholders from the biomedical industry, academia, consulting, private and public payers and government agencies. I believe the key to this achievement is ISPOR’s 20-year history of inclusiveness, creating a dynamic, member-driven culture that is passionate about generating and using credible scientific evidence to inform health care decision making.
There is simply no other organization that bridges such a diverse set of stakeholders across therapeutic areas. If elected as President, I will work closely with the Board of Directors, Nancy Berg and ISPOR’s talented and committed staff to engage with private and public stakeholders, professional organizations and patient groups to showcase how outcomes research can help to address their most pressing problems. I will support initiatives such as targeted joint ventures, engagement with the media, and other outreach activities to advance ISPOR’s ultimate mission to improve health globally.
I also will support efforts to strengthen the value of ISPOR for its members. ISPOR must continue to lead in education. I will work various committees within ISPOR to continue to strengthen our portfolio of cutting-edge short courses and distance-learning programs to meet evolving educational needs around the world. To remain an authority across the diverse sets of methods developed and used by our members, I will work with ISPOR to continue to foster member-driven initiatives through Interest Groups and Task Forces and effectively communicate the work of these groups more broadly. Also, in promoting good work, I will support initiatives to increase the visibility of ISPOR’s next generation of students and trainees. Their energy will provide the fuel to power ISPOR for years to come.