Current Landscape and Future Directions of Structured Expert Elicitation in Healthcare Decision Making


Moderator: Min-Hua Jen, PhD, Eli Lilly and Company, Uxbridge, LON, UK
Speakers: Salah Ghabri, PhD, HDR, Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS), Paris, 75, France; Dawn Lee, MMath, MSc, PenTAG, University of Exeter, Exeter, DEV, UK; Kate Ren, PhD, School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield; ConnectHEOR, Sheffield, NYK, UK

Structured expert elicitation (SEE) is increasingly recognized as a critical tool for informing healthcare decisions, especially in scenarios where empirical data is scarce or unavailable, which is often the case within oncology. However, the challenge lies in conducting SEE exercises that ensure credibility, accuracy, consistency, and transparency of expert judgments. This forum, jointly hosted by the ISPOR Oncology Special Interest Group and the SEE for Healthcare Decision Making Task Force, invites methodology experts, industry professionals, and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) bodies to a comprehensive discussion on the current landscape and future directions of SEE in HTA.

This interactive forum will provide attendees with invaluable insights into best practices and emerging developments in SEE, specifically tailored for HTA submissions. Min-Hua Jen will open the session by providing a concise overview of SEE and highlighting the necessity of high-quality SEE for HTA submissions from an industry perspective. Salah Ghabri will present an update on the ISPOR Good Practice Report, outlining key recommendations for the use of different SEE protocols in healthcare decision making. Kate Ren will introduce new developments in SEE specifically designed for long-term survival outcomes, focusing on innovative methodologies that ensure coherent estimates of long-term survival with meaningful expert rationale, thereby addressing a critical component of economic modelling in HTA. Dawn Lee will share her practical experiences of conducting SEE, providing real-world insights and lessons learned.

The session will conclude with an interactive Q&A segment, allowing attendees to engage directly with the experts, and discuss specific challenges and considerations in the application of SEE, such as estimating conditional outcomes, defining target populations for estimation, handling the impact of subsequent treatments on overall survival, and integration into subsequent modeling efforts.




Health Technology Assessment