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Violeta Isabel Perez Nueno, PhD
Perez-Nueno_Violeta Isabel
Research Programme Officer
EU Policies, Unit H3, eHealth, Well-being & Ageing, DG CONNECT, Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium

Programme Officer – EU Policies and Research Coordinator in charge of the in silico medicine portfolio at the European Commission – DG CONNECT Dir H – Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity Unit H.3 - E-Health, Well-Being and Ageing (previously working at EC – DG CONNECT Dir A – Digital Industry Unit A.1 – Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Robotics Industrial Development and Impact). She is dealing with programme management, policy development and programme dissemination. She is topic coordinator of the current Call: Digital Transformation In Health And Care H2020-SC1-DTH-2018-2020, managing research grants/projects, contributing to research strategy, drafting topics for future EU Financial Framework Programmes, developing/contributing to "Establishing a European Health Data Infrastructure" policy measures, the implementation of the Communication on digital health and care, the implementation of the Declaration of Cooperation signed by Member States "Towards access to at least 1 million genomes in the European Union by 2022", and representative of the European Commission in the IMI2 JU Strategic Governing Groups.

She received her European PhD in computational chemistry in 2009. During that period, she participated in two research projects promoted by the Catalan Government and the Spanish Ministry of Science, she was involved in international scientific collaborations (UK, Italy, and France), and she was awarded three times for her work on anti-HIV drugs (XII Premio de Investigación Dr. Antonio Esteve, EXPOQUIMIA I+D+i 2011 award, PhD Extraordinary Award from the Ramon Llull University). After, she was engaged as associate professor in computational chemistry (Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona Spain). In 2010, she obtained a postdoctoral grant from the Catalan Parliament, and a Marie Curie IEF for a research position in the Orpailleur Team, at the Lorraine Research Laboratory in Computer Science and its Applications (LORIA), Nancy, France. She also stayed at IGMM-CNRS and Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron (IBMM), Montpellier, during 7 months as mission inside FP7 IEF Marie Curie Fellow. During the postdoctoral period, she supervised two master theses, a thesis, examined two theses, and participated in four new research projects. She was awarded for her polypharmacology work (Medicinal Chemistry Conference, 2012). She joined Harmonic Pharma SAS from July 2012 to July 2015. She organized symposia in international scientific conventions such as ACS, ICDDT, ICCMSE, and IWBBIO Meetings. V.I. Pérez-Nueno has 35 international publications (27 in international leading journals), 1 book chapter, 3 patents, and her scientific work has been recognized several times as ACS Journal Front Covers. In 2016-2018 she performed a Master in Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics. She joined Kalispera Medical Writing as medical writer in September 2016. In 2017 she joined the European Commission.