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Sorrel Wolowacz, PhD
Senior Director
Market Access and Outcomes Strategy, RTI Health Solutions, Manchester, UK
Sorrel Wolowacz, PhD, is Head of European Health Economics at RTI HS with 15 years of experience in heath economics consulting and 25 years of experience in the health care industry, including health outcomes, clinical research, and product development. She has research experience in the areas of economic modeling, analysis of health utility and resource use data (collected alongside trials, by medical record abstraction, surveys, or within databases), formal health technology appraisal submissions, systematic reviews, and compilation of value dossiers. Dr. Wolowacz also has experience in various therapeutic areas, including oncology (specifically lung, breast, ovarian, skin, and hematological cancers), cardiology, respiratory, venous thromboembolism, arthritis, chronic pain, ophthalmology, and dermatology. She has participated in health technology appraisals in several countries, including the United Kingdom (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and Scottish Medicines Consortium), Ireland (National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics), Australia (Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee), and Canada (Canadian Agency for Drug and Technologies in Health, Canadian Drug Review). Dr. Wolowacz is a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research and acts as Peer Reviewer for Pharmacoeconomics, European Journal of Health Economics, American Journal of Clinical Oncology, Value in Health, and Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management. She was co-Chair of the ISPOR Good Research Practices Task Force addressing Measurement of Health State Utility Estimates for Economic Models in Clinical Studies and is a founding member of the ISPOR Working Group for Oncology Health Economic Modeling.