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Selenia Gómez de los Santos, MBA
Selenia Gomez
Pricing & Market Access Assoc. Director, Allergan -an AbbVie Company, Mexico City, Mexico
Selenia Gómez holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, Bacteriology and Parasitology from National School of Biological Sciences, and an MBA from School of Commerce and Administration, both at Polytechnical National Institute in Mexico. She has 20 years of experience in healthcare within pharmaceutical industry, with a strong background in pricing and market access for innovative drugs. 

Under her Market Access roles, she has been in charge of diverse therapeutic area projects, at Allergan (which is now part of AbbVie), Roche, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Genzyme, among others. At this moment, she is Pricing and Market Access Director for Allergan, establishing the Market Access function and leading strategies in Mexico, also in charge of public acquisition procedures. She was Business Unit Director for Eyecare and Sub-regional Value and Access Lead supporting Other Latin American Countries Cluster (Argentina, Chile and Colombia).

Selenia has contributed to chemotherapy and parenteral nutrition manufacturing for hospitals and clinics in Mexico as a Pharmacist, and achieved professor certification from Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Latin-American Federation, FELANPE, in Neonatal Intensive Care Class in 2009.

During 2012-2014, she collaborated with Anahuac University coordinating the Health Economics Class at Master’s in Business and Economy program. She holds different certificates related to Economic Evaluation in Health Technologies, and attended “Quality Strategic Management for Health Organizations” seminar by Harvard School of Public Health in 2015.

As a member of ISPOR Mexico Chapter Board of Directors, she has been able to collaborate with a diversity of initiatives and sessions through different partnerships in her country.