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Laura Hatfield, PhD
Associate Professor of Health Care Policy
Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Dr. Hatfield is an Associate Professor of Health Care Policy (Biostatistics) at Harvard Medical School's Department of Health Care Policy. Her methods research centers on trade-offs among multiple outcomes, with an emphasis on hierarchical Bayesian modeling, and causal inference with observational data, particularly difference-in-differences designs. She is faculty co-director of the Health Policy Data Science Lab and co-PI of the Methods Core of the Healthcare Markets and Regulation Lab. Recent honors include the 2018 ISPOR Health Economics and Outcomes Research - Methodology award for her paper on incorporating loss functions in safety surveillance decisions. Dr. Hatfield is the 2019 Chair-Elect of the Health Policy Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association and is serving a three-year term on ENAR's Regional Committee (RECOM). Dr. Hatfield earned her BS in genetics from Iowa State University and her MS and PhD in biostatistics from the University of Minnesota.