Kevin Marsh, PhD

Executive Director
Patient Centred Research, Evidera Ltd, London, UK
Kevin Marsh, PhD, is Executive Director at Evidera in London, UK. He specializes in the use of preference data and decision analysis to inform health decisions, including pipeline optimisation, authorisation, reimbursement, and prescription decisions. Dr Marsh’s research interests include stated and revealed preference methods, decision modelling, and MCDA. He has applied these and other research techniques for a range of organisations, including both regulatory and industry clients. He actively contributes to the methodological development of these techniques. He is currently co-Chairing the ISPOR Task Force on the Use of MCDA in Health Care Decision-Making, and is a co-Convenor of the Campbell and Cochrane Economic Methods Group. Dr Marsh completed his PhD at the University of Bath, specialising in economic valuation techniques. After a year at Oxford University, he joined the Matrix Knowledge Group in London, before joining Evidera in April 2012.