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Frank-Ulrich Fricke, PhD, MSc
Fakultät Betriebswirtschaft
Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
Frank-Ulrich Fricke PhD, MSc, health economist, is professor of health economics since 2009 and a member of the arbitration board for drug prices in the statutory health insurance in Germany (Schiedsstelle nach § 130b SGB V) since 2011. From March 2000 until June 2005 he was managing director of Fricke & Pirk GmbH. From July 2005 until August 2009 Frank-Ulrich was a full-time principal at IMS HEOR in Germany, which acquired Fricke & Pirk. Before starting Fricke & Pirk he had worked for several years in the pharmaceutical industry in health economics, pricing, and health policy.

Frank-Ulrich´s focus is on market access strategies, pricing, health policy and health economic evaluations (cost analysis, economic modeling, cost effectiveness analysis). He has experience in various therapeutic areas and diseases.