Eva Susanne Dietrich, MD

Institute for Evidence-Based Positioning in the Healthcare Sector, University of Bonn, Pharmaceutical Institute, Bonn, Germany
Professor Eva Susanne Dietrich is a pharmacist with more than 20 years professional experience in reimbursement, health politics, and drug evaluation. She graduated at the University of Heidelberg, obtained her PhD in the field of pharmacoeconomic methodology from the University of Tuebingen and received a Master’s degree on Health Technology Assessment and Management from the University of Barcelona. Professor Dietrich served as a deputy member of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) which specifies for almost 90 percent of the German population the services in medical care that are reimbursed. In parallel, she led the Department of Drugs, Remedies and Aids at the German National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) which concludes contracts with health insurance funds and other parties of the health care sector on the part of the 140,000 office-based physicians and psychotherapists in Germany. In the following years, she organized a scientific institute for Techniker Krankenkasse, one of the largest health insurance funds in Germany, and was responsible for the Management Division Health Sciences. Thereafter, she managed a scientific consulting firm in Basel for eight years and founded the Institute of Evidence-based Positioning in the Healthcare Sector in 2018. An important emphasis of her professional and academic activities is the critical review of the evidence of new drugs, their classification in the existing care context and, more specifically, early benefit assessments and the German AMNOG process. Since 2000, Eva Susanne has been teaching at the department of clinical pharmacy at the University of Bonn, where she holds a honorary professorship. Apart from this she taught pharmacoeconomics, evidence based medicine, and benefit legislation e.g. at the universities of Hamburg, Berlin and Marburg.