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Cristina Gutiérrez Delgado, PhD
Dra. Cristina Gutierrez
Investigadora. Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
 Cristina is an independent consultant and speaker in the healthcare sector, lecturer in the actuarial sector, an investor in the real estate sector and an entrepreneur in the long-term care sector.

She graduated as an actuary from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and obtained her PhD in Actuarial Mathematics with a specialty in health, disability and income insurances from the Heriot-Watt University of Edinburgh Scotland.

Cristina has worked since 1994 as an in-house technical consultant in the areas of actuarial, economics and finance applied to health sector processes for various public, private and academic institutions in Mexico and the United Kingdom. She has served as the leader of projects developed by high-performance interdisciplinary and international teams on health economics issues that have contributed to the technical strengthening of the Mexican health system and the UK insurance system. Among the institutions for which she has collaborated are the Economic Analysis Unit of the Ministry of Health of the Mexican Federal Government, the Finance Directorate of the Mexican Institute of Social Security, the Center for Demographic Studies and Urban Development of El Colegio de México, as well as the British government's “Better Health Mexico” support program for sustainable development and the Genetics and Insurance Research Center at Heriot-Watt University in Scotland. Likewise, Cristina has served as Mexico’s representative at the Health Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development as well as at the Health Economics area of the Pan American Health Organization. She is currently a consultant on health quality of life issues for both the General Health Council of Mexico and the Mexican Association of the Pharmaceutical Innovation Industry.

Additionally, Cristina has developed academic activities that have allowed her to collaborate as co-editor of a book, co-author of three book chapters and of more than 20 papers published in actuarial, economic, medical, and public health journals. Cristina also has served as a Lecturer of the Risk Theory course at the Faculty of Sciences at UNAM, as teaching assistant in the Financial Mathematics course at the Actuarial Department of Heriot-Watt University and as reviewer of the exam 01. Statistics of the Faculty/Society of British Actuaries. Cristina has supervised more than 30 bachelor's theses in actuarial science applied to health and is a speaker on health economics in various national and international forums.