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C. Daniel Mullins, PhD
C. Daniel Mullins, PhD
Professor, Pharmaceutical Health Services Research
University of Maryland, School of Pharmacy, Baltimore, MD, USA

C. Daniel Mullins, PhD, is a professor and chair of the Pharmaceutical Health Services Research Department at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. He received his BS in Economics from M.I.T. and his PhD in Economics from Duke University. His research and teaching focus on comparative effectiveness research (CER), patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR), pharmacoeconomics, and health disparities research. He directs the University of Maryland PATient-centered Involvement in Evaluating effectiveNess of TreatmentS (PATIENTS) Program, which received a University of Maryland Baltimore Champion of Excellence Award. He has received funding as a Principal Investigator from the NIH/NIA, NIH/NHLBI, AHRQ, and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and was the Shared Resources Core Director for the NIH-sponsored University of Maryland Center for Health Disparities Research, Training, and Outreach. He previously served as a Regular Member of the AHRQ HSR and the NCI-J Study Sections and currently serves as a Regular Member for the AHRQ HCRT Study Section. He also has chaired PCORI Study Sections. In addition to his work on federal grants, Professor Mullins is co-Editor-in-Chief for Value in Health and is author/co-author of approximately 200 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on pharmacoeconomics, outcomes research, and pharmaceutical policy and health disparities research in journals such as The American Journal of Managed Care, The American Journal of Public Health, Cancer, Chest, Health Affairs, Health Services Research, JAMA, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Pharmacoeconomics, and Social Science & Medicine. He has received an Outstanding Service Award from the Drug Information Association (DIA) and two Service Awards from the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). In 2007, he received the Dr. Patricia Sokolove Outstanding Mentor Award from the University of Maryland, Baltimore campus-wide Graduate Student Association. In 2013, he was the recipient of the Dr. Daniel D. Savage Memorial Science Award, the Association of Black Cardiologists’ most prestigious annual award. Also, in 2013, he was awarded a University System of Maryland Wilson H. Elkins Professorship. In 2014, he and Robin Newhouse were named co-researchers of the year for the University of Maryland Baltimore campus.