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Birgitte Klindt Poulsen
Vice Chairman
Danish Medicines Council

Birgitte Klindt Poulsen is a medical doctor and specialist in clinical pharmacology. She serves as Chief Physician at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology at Aalborg University Hospital and holds the position of Associate Professor at the Clinical Institute, Aalborg University. In addition to these roles, she plays a pivotal part as Vice-Chair of the Danish Medicines Council, which undertakes health technology assessments (HTA) of new pharmaceuticals, new indications for existing medications, and formulates treatment guidelines in areas with significant economic impact.

Dr Poulsen has been deeply involved in the implementation of recommendations from the Danish Medicines Council and actively monitors their adherence across healthcare settings. She also participates in various Nordic and national working groups, centered on the use of medicines with a particular focus on efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness.