Anja Schiel has studied Biology at the Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany. She received her PhD from the Free University in Amsterdam in 2006 and worked several years as Post-Doc on a range of subjects focusing on oncology, immunology and molecular biology, first at the University of Leiden and later at the University of Oslo, before starting at the Norwegian Medicines Agency (NoMA) in 2013.
Anja Schiel works as Special Adviser/Statistician/Methodologist both on regulatory (EMA) and HTA projects at the Norwegian Medicines Agency. She has been Chair of EMA’s Biostatistics Working Party 2017 – 2019 and from 2019 – 2022 she was Chair of the Scientific Advice Working Party (SAWP) at EMA. She continues currently as alternate member at the SAWP and is member of the new Methodology Working Party (MWP) recently established at EMA.
She has been heavily involved in EUnetHTA JA3 and its successor, EUnetHTA 21 with a particular focus on parallel EMA-HTA scientific advices.