In-person AND virtual! – We are pioneering a new conference format that will connect in-person and virtual audiences to create a unique experience. Matching the innovation that comes through our members’ work, ISPOR is pushing the boundaries
of innovation to design an event that works in today’s quickly changing environment.
In-person registration included the full virtual experience, and virtual-only attendees will be able to tune into live in-person sessions and/or
watch captured in-person sessions on-demand in addition to having a variety of virtual-only sessions to attend.
Annual Health Insurance Treatment Cost of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Based on Real-World Health Insurance Claims Data
Pónusz-Kovács D1, Elmer D2, Csákvári T3, Kajos L1, Pónusz R1, Kovács B3, Sebestyén A3, Bódis J3, Boncz I3
1University of Pécs, Pécs, BA, Hungary, 2University of Pécs, Pécs, PE, Hungary, 3University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
Presentation Documents
Economic Evaluation, Study Approaches
No Additional Disease & Conditions/Specialized Treatment Areas