
Mike Drummond, PhD
Professor of Health Economics, Centre for Health Economics
University of York, Heslington, York, England, UK

Michael Drummond, BSc, MCom, DPhil is Professor of Health Economics and former Director of the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York.  His particular field of interest is in the economic evaluation of health care treatments and programmes.  He has undertaken evaluations in a wide range of medical fields including care of the elderly, neonatal intensive care, immunization programmes, services for people with AIDS, eye health care and pharmaceuticals.  He is the author of two major textbooks and more than 650 scientific papers, and has acted as a consultant to the World Health Organization and the European Union.  He has been President of the International Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care, and the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. In October 2010 he was made a member of the National Academy of Medicine in the USA. He has advised several governments on the assessment of health technologies and chaired one of the Guideline Review Panels for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the UK. He is currently Co-Editor-in-Chief of Value in Health and has been awarded 3 honorary doctorates, from City University (London), Erasmus University (Rotterdam) and the University of Lisbon.