
Guillermo Cecchi, MSc
Principal Research Staff Member
IBM Research

Guillermo Cecchi received an education in Physics (MSc, University of La Plata, Argentina, 1991), Physics and Biology (PhD, The Rockefeller University, 1994-1999), and Imaging in Psychiatry (Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University 2000-2001). He has been interested in diverse aspects of theoretical biology, including Brownian transport, molecular computation, spike reliability in neurons, song production and representation in songbirds, statistics of natural images and visual perception, statistics of natural language, and brain imaging. In 2001 he joined IBM Research to work on computational approaches to brain function.

In recent years, Dr. Cecchi has pioneered the use of a computational linguistics approach to quantify psychiatric conditions from short speech samples, applying it successfully to conditions as diverse as schizophrenia, mania, prodromal psychosis, chronic pain, neurodegeneration, drug and alcohol intake, and psychotherapy.