Economic evaluations using broader measures to capture benefits beyond improved health can inform policy making, but only if the monetary value of gains measured using these instruments is understood. This study explored contingent valuation as a method to estimate the monetary value of a well-being-adjusted life-year (WALY) as measured by ICEpop Capability Measure for Adults (ICECAP-A).
In a large online survey of representative samples from 7 European countries, participants valued a change in the ICECAP-A from their current health state to a randomly assigned hypothetical state. Participants were instructed that an unspecified treatment could avoid a loss or produce a gain in well-being and were asked for their willingness to pay (WTP) for this treatment. WTP per WALY was calculated using an aggregated approach that used ICECAP-A tariffs from the United Kingdom.
We analyzed a sample of 7428 observations, focusing on avoided losses (n = 6002) because the results for gains were not theoretically valid. Different cutoff points for a marginal change were explored. Depending on the definition of a marginal change, WTP per WALY averaged between €13 323.28 and €61 375.63 for avoided losses between [0, 0.5] and [0, 0.1], respectively, for 1 month. Mean WTP per WALY varied across the countries as follows: Denmark (€17 867.93-€88 634.14), France (€10 278.35-€45 581.28), Germany (€12 119.39-€54 566.56), Italy (€11 753.69-€52 161.25), The Netherlands (€14 612.88-€58 951.74), Spain (€11 904.12-€57 909.17), and United Kingdom (€13 133.75-€68 455.85).
Despite the inherent limitations of our study, it offers valuable insights into methods for eliciting the WTP for changes in capability well-being as measured with ICECAP-A.