Criteria and Process for Initiating and Developing an ISPOR Good Practices Task Force Report [Editor's Choice]

Apr 1, 2020, 00:00 AM
Section Title : ISPOR REPORT
Section Order : 409
First Page : 409

The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)’s “Good Practices Task Force” reports are highly cited, multistakeholder perspective expert guidance reports that reflect international standards for health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) and their use in healthcare decision making. In this report, we discuss the criteria, development, and evaluation/consensus review and approval process for initiating a task force. The rationale for a task force must include a justification, including why this good practice guidance is important and its potential impact on the scientific community. The criteria include: (1) necessity (why is this task force required?); (2) a methodology-oriented focus (focus on research methods, approaches, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination); (3) relevance (to ISPOR’s mission and its members); (4) durability over time; (5) broad applicability; and 6) an evidence-based approach. In addition, the proposal must be a priority specifically for ISPOR.
HEOR Topics :
  • Academic & Educational
  • Best Research Practices
  • Organizational Practices
Tags :
  • emerging good practices
  • good measurement practices
  • good practices
  • good practices for outcomes research
  • good reporting practices
  • good research practices
  • international standards task force
  • Task Force Report
Regions :
  • Global