Excessive Hospitalizations and Its Associated Economic Burden among People with Diabetes in the United States

Mar 1, 2009, 00:00 AM
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We conducted this study to estimate the excessive hospital admission among people with diabetes and the associated economic burden in the USA.


The study was based on the 2005 Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), a nationally representative probability sample conducted annually by the Agency of Health Research and Quality. Nearly 8 million records were sampled from over 1000 community hospitals in the 2005 NIS.


Excluding childbirth-related admissions, the estimated US hospitalizations numbered approximately 30.8 million; individuals with diabetes accounted for over 6.4 million (20.9%) of these admissions. For every 1000 individuals without diabetes, with type 1 diabetes, and with type 2 diabetes, the numbers of hospitalizations were 89, 418, and 303, respectively. The rates of hospitalization increased greatly by the presence of diabetes for all age groups and sex. During 2005, the national bill of hospital charges and costs for individuals with diabetes exceeded US$171 billion and US$90 billion, respectively. If the prevalence of diabetes increases to 7.5% from 7.0%, the total number of hospitalizations made by individuals with diabetes will be 7.5 million in 2015.


Although approximately 7% of the population had diabetes in the USA, nearly 20.9% of hospitalizations were made by individuals with this condition. Due to the excessive hospitalizations incurred by patients with diabetes, a small increase in the number of people with diabetes will amplify the number of hospitalizations. Health-care communities should anticipate this possible increased demand of hospitalizations and the associated economic burden.

HEOR Topics :
  • Cost/Cost of Illness/Resource Use Studies
  • Diabetes/Endocrine/Metabolic Disorders
  • Economic Evaluation
  • Mental Health
  • Retrospective Databases: Electronic Medical and Health Records, Admin Claims
  • Specific Diseases & Conditions
  • Study Approaches
Tags :
  • diabetes
  • health-care costs
  • health-care utilization
  • USA
Regions :
  • North America